Welcome to our guide to Prague, where we offer tips and advice on how to make the most of this amazing city. On these pages, you’ll find information about landmarks and the most interesting places, along with recommendations for walks, dining, culture, and other forms of entertainment. We also provide details about the weather, so you’ll know what to expect in different seasons.
Whether you’re visiting Prague to explore its history, for fun, culture, shopping, or simply to take a break from daily worries, our goal is to help you enjoy your trip. We’ve lived in Prague for decades and know the city well. We keep up with its changes and latest developments. We understand that Prague is a popular destination for tourists, which means you may sometimes find yourself among crowds of fellow admirers. However, there are still plenty of beautiful places to visit where you won’t encounter large crowds. And if you time your visit to the most popular tourist spots right, you can enjoy them peacefully as well.
We hope you take home only the most wonderful memories from Prague. Yours, MyPrague.eu